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2025-01-12IP属地 湖北2




  We've all been there. You've pulled your favorite pieces off the racks and with an arm full of potential new clothes, you head into the fitting rooms. You glide the privacy curtain across, only to find that the sides are curling, allowing anybody walking past to catch a glimpse of something you wish they couldn't. Add to this the unflattering lighting that makes the cellulite on your thighs look like they've been hit by a meteor shower and all this before you've even slipped a leg into that pair of pants you really hope fits. Fitting rooms are a relatively unpleasant experience for most shoppers, no more so thanks to ill fitting sizes and inconsistent standard sizing across the board. Of course, with the rise in online shopping, we can actually try on our potential new clothes in the comfort of our own homes however, it doesn't eliminate the fit issues and too often we end up being disappointed and wasting time by having to return garments. So, what's the answer? The scientists behind 3D body scanners think they might have it.



  What Is A 3D Body Scanner?

  Image Via: Verdict

  实际上,目前有许多不同类型的3D人体扫描仪可供使用,但最受欢迎的是那种家用嵌入式镜子,人体扫描棚以及带有旋转平台的3D人体扫描仪。尽管设备种类不同,但最终目标是相同的。使用光传感器捕获完美的全身测量结果,创建360度人体图像。这使购物者几乎可以在下单前“试穿”衣服,因此有可能减少退货次数。通过这种方式,我们实际上可以更好地了解服装的上身效果,而不是光看2D图像或模特试穿衣服的视频-坦白地说,除非您有模特的身材 ,不然想看合身效果的话,相对而言是没有什么用的。

  There are actually many different kinds of 3D body scanners currently used however the most popular include those embedded in mirrors designed for home use, body scanning booths and also those with a rotating platform. While there are different kinds of devices, the end goal is the same; to use capture perfect body measurements using light sensors, creating 360 degree images of your body. This allows shoppers to try on clothes virtually before committing to a purchase and therefore potentially reducing the number of returns. In this way, we can actually get a better sense of how a garment would look on our own individual body, rather than relying on 2D images or video of the garment on a model body – which let's be honest, unless you have a model body, is relatively useless to determine fit.


  While nothing can quite compare to actually handling the fabric and physically putting it on your body, 3D body scanners are definitely upping the ante and adding a more immersive and personal experience to buying clothing without ever needing to visit the dreaded fitting rooms. To give some perspective on this, most of these scanners at the moment will take around ten measurement points to create the fit while an experienced tailor or garment technician will take as many as 150 measurement points.



  Who Is Using This Technology?

  Image Via: Redthread Collection

  当然,3D人体扫描并不是全新技术。在机场安检中已经使用了多年,但这却是它在时尚界的首次探索。对于个人用途,另一种发展形式是代替浴室秤。由加利福尼亚的Naked Labs公司创建的3D人体扫描仪不仅可以捕捉人体身材和尺寸,而且还可以采集BMI(人体质量指数)。总体而言,3D人体扫描及其在零售商和消费者中的使用也不仅限于服装业,因为新奥尔良的珠宝店Marion Cage也表达了对这项技术的渴望,甚至还希望能够为其客户测量完美的戒指尺寸。

  Of course, 3D body scanning isn't all that new. We've already seen it being used for years at airport security but it is the first time its use in the fashion industry is being explored. For personal use, another development arrives in the form of a replacement for bathroom scales. Created by California based company Naked Labs, their 3D body scanner is designed not only to capture body size and measurements but also BMI (Body Mass Index.) Overall, 3D body scanning and its use for both retailers and consumers isn't just limited to the garment industry either, as New Orleans based jewelry store Marion Cage has also expressed the want for this technology for even measuring the perfect ring size for their customers.

  初创公司Redthread是3D人体扫描领域的领导先驱之一。公司所有者梅根·利奇菲尔德(Meghan Litchfield)致力于创新出一种购买牛仔裤的方法,该牛仔裤不仅具有完美的合身性,而且无需裁缝进行改动,购买起来也简单且相对实惠。因为她自己厌烦那种要先选一条适合自己臀部尺寸的牛仔裤,然后再花钱请裁缝改的购买方式,因此下定了决心。她的解决方案是只要有智能手机就可以量身定制服装!该过程非常简单:让客户填写“尺寸问卷”,再直接从手机发送一系列全身图像。Redthread从客户发送的照片中获取测量数据,并对客户希望的牛仔裤合身度加以考量,然后Redthread就能完成一条定做的裤子。

  Start up company Redthread is one of the leading pioneers in this 3D body scanning field. Owner Meghan Litchfield created the company after committing to finding a way to buy jeans that not only had a perfect fit without alterations by a tailor but that was an easy and relatively affordable process. Tired of having to choose a size up to fit her hips and then pay a separate tailor to take in the waste, she was determined to find a way. Her solution? Bespoke clothing for anyone with a smartphone! The process is as easy as having customers fill out a “fit quiz” and send a series of full body images direct from their mobile. Pulling the measurement data from the photos sent by the customer and taking into consideration the way the customer wants their jeans to fit, Redthread then creates a made-to-order pair of pants.


  There's a long way to go before this technology is widely available for retailers but the potential benefits extend beyond perfecting sizing and reducing returns, it could also mean that consumers are more likely to make purchases from a brand using the technology and they may be willing to invest more in each piece they buy.



  Data Capture and Privacy Issues

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  Image Via : PYMNTS

  正如机场安检部门使用3D人体扫描仪引起人们对隐私问题的关注一样,如果人体扫描仪也成为了时尚行业的标配,预计也会出现同样的担忧甚至更糟糕。这些身体扫描数据会被存储在哪里,如果有储存,谁可以访问,以及保存多长时间之类的问题。在机场使用中的隐私权问题主要集中在以下情况:这些人体扫描仪实际上能够扫描出人体的完全裸露状态,甚至能够显示出最隐私的穿孔和做过的金属替换手术。对于许多不赞成这种侵犯隐私行为的人,需要最大限度地消除他们对扫描仪的担忧,仅仅是因为扫描仪在机场的使用只是为了保护大家安全,图像不会被存储-但是,如果3D人体扫描为了我们自己的爱美之心而广泛使用,情况就不一样了 。

  Just as the introduction of 3D body scanners at airport security created concern over privacy issues, we anticipate the same if not worse concerns if body scanners become the norm in the fashion industry. The concerns include issues such as where these body scans will be stored, if they are and who will have access to them and for how long. The major privacy violation concerning the use of them in airports focused mainly on the fact that these body scanners actually show the body completely naked and are able to show even the most intimate of piercings and surgical procedures that required metallic replacements. Many that disapproved of this violation of privacy had their concerns minimized simply due to the fact that the scanners are there for our own protection and that images are not stored for any length of time – this however is not the same thing if 3D body scanning is used widely for our own vanity.


  Whether 3D body scanning can fully replace fitting rooms in the future is up for debate but it's clear that technology at the moment, still doesn't quite provide the same quality of fit as a truly bespoke garment. We can see consumers interest in this technology increasing though, particularly for online shopping but it might be a while before it's considered standard practice.
